March 23, 2024 Ramadan Relief Effort for Houston Refugee Families



Amaanah Services celebrates the success of a huge Ramadan relief drive for Houston refugee families. A team of Amaanah volunteers distributed food, food vouchers, and toys at a distribution event on March 23.

Generous gifts and donations were received and the Amaanah team organized over 3,000 pounds of fresh produce and 2,000 pounds of pantry staples. ILM Academy and Everest Academy sponsored more than 200 toys that were distributed to refugee children. Special thanks go to Houston Welcomes Refugees for delivering many packages to refugee families without transportation.

The hard work of the Amaanah Services volunteer team and staff, reflects the organization’s commitment to making a tangible difference for refugees in Houston.

Jida Nabulsi, CEO of Amaanah Refugee Services, expressed gratitude for the support, stating, “Our mission is to assist refugee families in rebuilding their lives, and events like these are a testament to our unwavering dedication to that cause.”

For the families receiving aid, the relief event provided more than just food and groceries — it offers a sense of hope and solidarity. Many expressed their gratitude for the support they received, emphasizing the significance of community support during difficult times.


Amaanah Services is committed to empowering refugee families and providing them with the resources they need to thrive in Houston. By fostering partnerships, mobilizing volunteers, and organizing events like this one, Amaanah continues to make a positive impact.

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